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What is the Program Description?WSC provides residential programming to adults with acquired and developmental disabilities. These include behavioral, cognitive and physical barriers to independent living. Services are tailored to meet the needs of the individual based on a comprehensive assessment of barriers and abilities. The goal of the program is to maintain or transition the individual to the greatest level of independence possible. Located in Howell, Michigan.
What are the Program Hours of Availability?We offer 24-hour customer care, 365 days a year.
What is the Program Contact Information?Anita Gibson 810.534.6116 Amy Sheibar 810.534.6163 Fax: 810.227.1344
Is there a Summary of Services?As a locally operated 501 C3 non-profit organization, we are committed to the individuals, families and communities we serve. We work directly with you, your family and often a team of other health care professionals to make sure your needs are met.  Each client/participant has a personalized service plan developed with input from all stakeholders and implemented by our team of professionals. Stakeholders may include the individual, family member(s), guardians, referral facility discharge planners, treating medical team, case managers and adjustors. Progress is continually measured, and plans are often updated, to ensure that our customers’ needs are met.  Hours of service are based on the person’s individual plan of service. Program Services Include: Pre-admission evaluation Comprehensive functional assessment Individualized plan of care Health services coordination Medication administration Behavioral support services Community integration and social opportunities Care coordination Progress reporting Local transportation Staff support and supervision
What is the Experience of the Staff?WSC staff backgrounds include master and bachelors’ educational degrees; experience in the areas of vocational rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation counseling, teaching, social work, human resources, HR development of youth and adult services, geriatric services, certified brain injury specialist, business administration, staffing recruitment, psychology, service industry, and management. In addition, staff participates in annual job specific training in Recipient Rights, Blood Borne Pathogens, Person Centered Planning, Grievance & Appeals, Deficit Reduction, Limited English Proficiency, CPR/First Aid, and Medication Administration Review, which includes distribution and storage of medication only allowable following the written orders of a licensed physician for the purpose of maintaining health and treatment. 
What Population(s) are Served?Adults with developmental disabilities, mental illness, physical barriers and traumatic brain injuries.
What is the Referral Process?Anita Gibson 810.534.6116 Amy Sheibar 810.534.6163 Fax: 810.227.1344
Who Can Make a Referral?Individuals are referred for admission to services through Community Mental Health, Case Managers, Physicians, self-referrals, families, by other service providers, such as service coordinators, therapists and/or hospital social workers.
How is a Referral Made?Individuals are referred for admission to services through Community Mental Health, Case Managers, Physicians, self-referrals, families, by other service providers, such as service coordinators, therapists and/or hospital social workers. Documentation of medical necessity may be required.
What Documents or Information is Needed to Enroll?Depending on the service authorized documentation of medical necessity or a prescription for services may be needed. Verification of funding may also be required. Current state identification card is needed.
Where Does Funding Come From?We accept most insurance policies (e.g., medical, auto, worker’s comp, etc.) Community Mental Health and private pay. We also receive funds through the Work Skills Corporation Foundation.
What are the Costs to the Consumer?Fees for service are based upon ability to pay or coverage such as private pay, insurance carriers, Community Mental Health, or Department of Human Health Services. Service rates vary on the service needed and can be obtained upon request.
Who does WSC share information about the Scope of Services with?The persons served Families/support systems, in accordance with the choices of the persons served Private Referral and other Resources Payers and Funding Sources Other Relevant Stakeholders The General Public
How often are the Scope of Services Updated?WSC reviews the Scope of Services annually and updates it as necessary.

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